Lasombra Antitribu (luh-SOHM-bra An-tea-tree-boo)

The Lasombra antitribu no longer exist? That is a rather foolish statement as you are standing before one right now. Whose haven did you honestly think you were breaking into? The Ventrue Prince of this city? I’ve known of your impending felony for over 2 months now...


Whom do you think the mysterious contact was who happened to have the blueprints of the security system for sale? I wanted this opportunity to talk with you so that you can pass along what I’m about to share.


Don’t worry...the feeling in your extremities should return soon enough, and I doubt that your paralysis will last much more then an hour or two. Now, where were we...ah yes!


That’s right, I don’t exist. I’m not surprised that the elders of your side ofOUR clan told you such. They have a long and shameful history that they wish to expunge, but much as in the play Hamlet, the blood does not easilycome off of one’s hands.


I know you have heard the stories of the formation of your illustrious Sabbat. Gratiano slays Lasombra; the anarchs have their bonds broken by the Tzimisce, anarchs and so forth. But let's delve a bit deeper into the little known background of that era, shall we?


Assamite: The Clan of the Hunt. To see one is to be one step closer to final death.   Brujah: They are dedicated to their cause with passion and persistence that even we can admire. For all their righteous fury, they often lack intelligence.   Followers of Set: Their history goes back to ancient Egypt where they worship the Egyptian god of set. They will take every opportunity to attempt to seduce you and to bend your will so that they can use you. Do not allow them to, and keep your guard up while amongst them.   Gangrel: Environmentalist, tree-huggers, they embrace the single cause of protecting nature around them and the creatures that live within.   Giovanni: Rumor has it that these Venetians are more than familiar with corpses… and their own family.   Lasombra: It is they who try to cover up their shame at assisting, or turning away when our founder was killed. They now hunt us to cover up their shame, as we are reminders of their betrayal.   Malkavian: They are pranksters and mischief-makers. While some are worthless for their insanity allows them no moments of clarity, there are some who have used their madness to see things that the rest of us are unable to.   Nosferatu: They fancy themselves to be information brokers and masters of all secrets. In reality they couldn’t hide a rock amongst a sea of boulders.   Ravnos: Loud mouth braggarts who think themselves the romantic clan amongst the kindred. Hold onto your wallet while they are in town and lock up the good china.   Toreador: They concern themselves with the beauty in the world, more than the facts or the politics. While not necessarily bad, they can oftentimes become quite distracted. Amongst their kind, many are our friends.   Tremere: They are very reserved in what they tell others of their inner workings. Never trust one and NEVER give them any of your blood.   Tzimisce: Twisted, horrible kindred that have the ability to twist and contort flesh and bone. That power in time becomes madness within them.   Ventrue: They fancy themselves to be businessmen, politicians, and kindred of the highest caliber. What they forget is that we, the Lasombra, established ourselves as such first.   Caitiff: If you do not know of your history, how can you take pride in your accomplishments? They are beneath contempt.   Camarilla: The Camarilla, while the lesser of the two evils, is populated with "holier than thou" Vampires who think they are the end all and be all of existence. They are gravely mistaken.   Sabbat: Ah the Sabbat. A mockery of what the Lasombra once were. Kill any of their soldiers on sight. Spare the Lasombra amongst and reveal to them what their elders most fear. The truth.
"Perfection is not something you can strive for, it is something that you must be born with."


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