All Things Hidden Revealed

This article is a part of Spooktober 2023 and is still a work in progress.   Written for the Shiver prompt.
  "Start. Talking. O'Connell," Arana Folwns growled as she shoved her way into his home, pushing an old looking manila folder into his chest. Her eyes were hard and flinty and suddenly Darien could see why she had earned the unfortunate nickname of Ice Queen amongst her fellow officers.   "What am I talking about?" he asked, trying to deflect as he looked down at her.   She snarled and grabbed the folder, shoving her hand in and pulling out an old photograph. Flipping it over so he could see it, she snapped, "Explain to me why this looks exactly like you when it's supposed to be your father."   Arana then jabbed a finger into his chest and continued, "Explain to me why Penny Pittman slipped and talked about your father in present tense, as if he was still alive."   She took a step towards him and Darien took an instinctive step back.   "And tell me why I shouldn't arrest you right now for lying to me about Marian Abrams and what work you were doing for her!"   Darien stared down at her for a moment, shivering a little at the intensity of the emotions that were suffusing Arana's face. After a moment, he softly said, "That's a long story, Officer Folwns."   "I have time," she said in a hard tone.   "It's not a pretty story."   "And I'm not some southern belle who's going to faint at the drop of a hat."   Darien shrugged and then gestured towards his living room and the seating within. As Arana stomped away, he flipped the folder she had shoved at him over and opened it. Then he immediately snapped it shut, his entire body shivering and shuddering as the first thing he saw one of the old crime scene photos from the Gum Pond Killer case.   He hadn't wanted to remember.   Now he had to.   Sighing, he walked into the room and sat down, tossing the folder onto his coffee table. Scrubbing a hand over his face, Darien began, "It all starts in 1663..."
Timeframe: 2023   Location: Bigby Fork, Mississippi   Event: Detective Arana Folwns confronts Darien O'Connell in order to find out the truth about what happened in 1954 and what is currently happening in Bigby Fork.   Consquences: Darien O'Connell sits down with Arana Folwns and tells her his sordid history.


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