• Whispers of the Chamber Spell in Vampirism for Amoral Sociopaths | World Anvil
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• Whispers of the Chamber

Vampire the Requiem - Covenant - The Invictus
A student of Tenure starts by gaining a mystical knowledge of a small area. If she concentrates on some known or well-defined object, she knows where it is and whether it’s lost, hidden or disguised. To the Kindred, it’s as if a tiny voice in her mind says, “Here I am!
This is good for more than finding lost car keys. Whispers of the Chamber reveals the presence of intruders or another person’s hidden valuables. Only other mystic powers can hide someone or something from a vampire with Tenure. The better a character can define the target she seeks, the greater her chance of detecting it.
As a final benefit, a vampire who knows Whispers of the Chamber automatically knows if an unauthorized person enters her haven, at least while she herself is in it. She won’t track the comings and goings of Retainers (unless she wants to), but becomes instantly aware of intruders.


Dramatic Failure: The character receives a false indication of the target object’s location or believes the object is not present at all.
Failure: The character cannot sense the target object’s location.
Success: The character knows the exact location of the target object if it is within a distance defined by the successes achieved. (See below.)
Exceptional Success: An exceptional success grants no special benefits other than an extended range of insight. If this power is used within the vampire’s haven, an exceptional success automatically results in awareness of all the space within the haven, regardless of its Size.
Successes | Radius
1 success | 1-yard radius
2 successes | 2-yard radius
3 successes | 5-yard radius
4 successes | 10-yard radius
5 successes | 30-yard radius
Material Components
Cost: Whispers of the Chamber does not cost Vitae if used within the character’s own haven. Anywhere else, it costs 1 Vitae to search for one person or object.
Gestures & Ritual
Dice Pool: Wits + Investigation + Tenure
Related Discipline
Effect Casting Time
Instant. (Reflexive for detecting intruders within the Annunaku’s haven.)
Applied Restriction
Modifier | Situation
+2 | The target is very well known or precisely definable, such as “my car keys,” “a golden ring with two square-cut diamonds,” “Jacob Fenster’s will” or “Loki.”
— | The target is fairly well known or definable, such as “any car keys,” “a diamond ring,” “a will” or “a Mekhet.”
–2 | The target is in motion.
–2 | The target is a vaguely defined class, such as “jewelry,” “documents” or “a ghoul.”
Anything more vaguely or abstractly defined, such as “valuables” or “people” has no chance of success at all.

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