•• Link Spell in Vampirism for Amoral Sociopaths | World Anvil
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•• Link

Vampire the Requiem - Covenant - The Invictus
After a Lynx learns to read nodes, he comes to understand how to construct or enhance his own networks of blood. Though the rational mind of an intelligent Lynx might be able to parse the sociometrics of interpersonal relationships, it’s the blood that thrums in response to social networks and informs his perceptions. Therefore, a Lynx can only form artificial — or, truly, supernatural — networks through the medium of blood. Contrary to some beliefs, however, a Lynx can create links between any blooded creature, whether vampire, ghoul, mortal or other.


Dramatic Failure: The vampire fails to form any links and finds his ability to perceive his attuned networks diminished — he suffers a –2 penalty on all Web activation rolls for the rest of the night. All Vitae spent to activate this power is wasted.
Failure: The character fails to form any links and all the Vitae spent to activate this power is wasted.
Success: The character successfully forges links of blood between the subjects. Each subject can now affect the others as if they shared a blood tie (see “Blood Ties,” on p. 162 of Vampire: The Requiem). If any of the subjects already shared a blood tie, its effects are doubled. This effect also allows all the subjects to feel the proximity and condition of the other subjects according to the rules for blood sympathy.
This artificial blood tie persists for a number of nights equal to the Link user’s Resolve. Subjects who want out after the first night can spend one Willpower point to attempt a Resolve + Composure roll to break their link to the blood network; this Willpower point does not augment the dice pool but merely makes the attempt possible. The dice pool to break the link is penalized by the Lynx’s dots in Web.
A Lynx with this power may add his dots in Web to all blood sympathy dice pools.
Exceptional Success: If the Lynx scores five or more successes on the activation roll (or five more successes than necessary on the extended action), his connection to the subjects is so strong that he may temporarily see through their eyes. To do so, the Lynx simply spends one Willpower point per turn he wishes to spend spying through the subject’s eyes.
Material Components
Cost: 1 Vitae per link. This cost can be paid by any mix of Vitae from the Lynx and any other Kindred subjects. To form a link with any subjects that are not Kindred, the Lynx must have at least one Vitae from each subject in his system when this power is activated. The qualifying Vitae may be spent to activate this power, but that’s not a requirement.
Gestures & Ritual
Dice Pool: Presence + Persuasion + Web versus the subject’s Composure + Blood Potency (if resisted)
Related Discipline
Effect Casting Time
Instant, if the subjects are willing; extended and contested if they are not. A number of successes must be accrued equal to the highest Willpower of all unwilling subjects. Each roll represents about one minute.
Applied Restriction
To activate this power, the Lynx must be able to see all the subjects directly — not through a video camera or photograph — in addition to fulfilling the requirements above. If the Lynx is unable to spend enough Vitae in one turn to activate this power, he must spend the Vitae as quickly as he can in the turns leading up to and including the activation roll.
A Lynx does not have to be a member of the blood networks he creates with this power.
Modifier | Situation
+2 | The power is turned on a character with whom the user shares a real blood tie.
–1 | Each subject beyond the first.
–2 | The subjects are a mixture of creatures (mortal, ghoul, mage, etc.).
–3 | The subjects do not all know each other

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