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••• Familiarity Fear

Vampire the Requiem - Covenant - The Invictus
At this level of power, a Kallisti can twist an emotional connection into a potent but imprecise experience of terror. The Familiarity Fear is a blunt instrument, useful for its purpose — and certainly powerful — but it is seldom the favorite tool in the Kallisti repertoire. By affecting a mortal, ghoul or vampire with this fearsome power, the Ravager plants a bomb of awesome terror into her subject’s mind. When an appropriate loved one or cohort draws near, the bomb goes off.


Dramatic Failure: The Kallisti unintentionally stirs up her own Beast with traces of fear. The vampire suffers a –2 penalty on all rolls to resist fear frenzy for the rest of the night. Willpower spent to activate the power is wasted.
Failure: The Kallisti fails to light the fuse, but she may try again. Willpower spent to activate the power is wasted.
Success: The Kallisti insinuates a seed of terror in the subject’s mind that takes root in the emotions the subject associates with a lover, coworker, coterie-mate or other associate. The Kallisti may assign this fear to any specific associate of the subject’s that she knows (“Matt” or “Ms. Sowards,” for example) or she may assign it to a general relationship of the subject’s (e.g., “your boss” or “your son”).
If the subject sees the flagged associate before the next sunset, she reacts as though that associate had invoked the Monstrous Countenance power of Nightmare (see p. 133 of Vampire: The Requiem). The subject must flee the associate’s presence entirely, using all available means at her disposal to do so. She continues to flee for one turn per success rolled and will not come within sight of the associate until the next sunset.
Exceptional Success: Unlike the Monstrous Countenance power, Familiar Fear does not reduce the subject to a cowering heap. However, with an exceptional success, it does compel the subject to flee to a site chosen by the Kallisti when the power was activated. Once the subject reaches that spot, she remains there until dark, when this power ends (and, presumably, the Kallisti comes for her).
Material Components
Cost: 1 Willpower
Gestures & Ritual
Dice Pool: Presence + Intimidation + Perfidy versus subject’s Resolve + Blood Potency
Related Discipline
Effect Casting Time
Applied Restriction
A subject can only be affected by a single use of this power at a time.
Modifier | Situation
+2 | The power is turned on a subject with whom the user has a blood tie.
+2 | The subject and the target associate have had a fight within the previous 24 hours.
–2 to –4 | The subject and the target associate share a special union, such as marriage or the Vinculum.

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