••• Insert/Delete Spell in Vampirism for Amoral Sociopaths | World Anvil
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••• Insert/Delete

Vampire the Requiem - Covenant - The Requiem
After a Lynx becomes comfortable reading nodes and understanding her own sanguine networks, she may learn to insert or delete herself from existing networks. To do so, the vampire must first successfully scan a subject node with Web. Once that’s done, the Lynx can use this power to pose as a node in a foreign network or diminish her profile in a network she is genuinely a part of. The Lynx becomes difficult to track and hard to ignore.


Dramatic Failure: The Lynx achieves the opposite of the result she wanted, getting a penalty instead of a bonus or vice versa.
Failure: The character fails to insert herself into a network or delete her presence from a network.
Success: The vampire successfully alters her place in the desired network. The Lynx’s dots in Web either become a bonus to dice pools for interactions with the network in question or a penalty to the actions of other nodes to interact with the Lynx through the network. A bonus represents the Lynx interacting the expectations and familiarity of other nodes within the network, while a penalty represents the Lynx shutting parts of herself off from a network she belongs to.
As an example of an insertion, consider a Lynx who uses this power to insert herself into a personal network: she might alter a node’s memory subtly so that he accepts her as a forgotten college classmate or friend of a friend. The malleability of the node’s interactions with the Lynx grants her power and flexibility within the network, represented by her bonus dice. The exact dice pools that can benefit from this power vary with the individual networks; the Storyteller must decide on a case-by-case basis if a dice pool is eligible. An insertion into a personal or formal network could grant bonuses to Socialize, Persuasion and Subterfuge actions. Insertion into a spatial network could benefit dice pools for Drive (other drivers instinctually make cooperate with the Lynx), Computer (the Lynx gleans an intuitive understanding of the jargon and organization of the system) or even Stealth dice pools (the Lynx moves within the flow of daily traffic so as not to attract attention to herself).
As an example of a deletion, consider a Lynx who uses this power to dampen the emotional force put on her by a Kindred “relative” — the penalties applied to the relative’s actions more than counteract the effects of a blood tie.
The dice pools that can be penalized by deletion are more restricted, as the Lynx can only affect those that interact with her through her personal and formal networks. Therefore, dice pools that would normally be affected by Status dots may also be penalized by this power. Rolls to sense the link through the blood sympathy are always penalized when this power is active. Likewise, attempts to get information out of affected nodes about the whereabouts and business of the Lynx are penalized, even if the subject is attempting to search her own memory — the subject simply cannot recall all the information she could before.
This power must be centered on an individual subject node when it is first activated, but its effects echo mystically through the network as the Lynx moves deeper into the system. Each degree of separation between the Lynx and the subject node reduces the effectiveness of her bonus or penalty by one. Thus, the Lynx may enjoy a +3 bonus with the mortal she pretends to know from college, but this bonus is reduced to +2 when dealing with his roommate and +1 when dealing with the roommate’s friends. Likewise, the Lynx’s interface with a spatial network, like a highway, diminishes as she moves further from her entry point.
Exceptional Success: There is no benefit for an exceptional success when using this power.
Material Components
Cost: 1 Willpower per scene
Gestures & Ritual
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Persuasion + Web versus subject’s Resolve + Blood Potency
Related Discipline
Effect Casting Time
Instant and contested; resistance is reflexive.

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