••• Voice of the Castle Spell in Vampirism for Amoral Sociopaths | World Anvil
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••• Voice of the Castle

As a student of Tenure gains mastery, she can extend her mystical perception over wider areas. Where before she could locate objects or people only in a few small rooms, now she can search an entire building. In olden times, vampires with Tenure really did own castles, and the stones spoke in their minds, warning of intruders. These nights, a Kindred with Tenure can search a skyscraper or shopping mall.


Dramatic Failure: The character receives a false indication of the target object’s location or believes it is not present at all.
Failure: The character cannot sense the target object’s location.
Success: The character knows the exact location of the target object if it is within a distance defined by the successes achieved. (See below.)
Exceptional Success: An exceptional success grants no special benefits other than an extended range of insight. If the vampire is within a building at the time this power is activated, however, an exceptional success expands the radius of power to include all the space within the building, no matter how large.
Successes | Radius
1 success | 5-yard radius
2 successes | 10-yard radius
3 successes | 25-yard radius
4 successes | 50-yard radius
5 successes | 100-yard radius


The sensory range of Voice of the Castle extends out from the vampire for many yards in every direction. When used within a building, sewers, storm drains, subway tunnels and other enclosed structures that don’t technically form “buildings,” the Kindred receives even more precise mystic telemetry.
Once the power has been activated, the vampire can prolong her awareness of her target’s location for up to a scene. Every “double check” of the target’s location in a scene requires another action, but not another activation roll or Willpower point. If the target moves, the vampire knows about it. For instance, one character could follow another character’s movements through a skyscraper, even though they stayed several floors apart.
The character knows the target’s location in relation to herself, such as “three floors down and fifty feet that way.” If she’s familiar with the building, she may know that direction and distance means “the men’s room,” but the power itself does not supply this information.
Material Components
Cost: Voice of the Castle has no cost if used within a building containing the character’s own haven (even if the haven does not encompass the entire building). Anywhere else, Voice of the Castle costs 1 Willpower to search for one person or object.
Gestures & Ritual
Dice Pool: Intelligence + Investigation + Tenure
Related Discipline
Effect Casting Time
Applied Restriction
Modifier | Situation
+2 | The target is very well known or precisely definable, such as “my car keys,” “a golden ring with two square-cut diamonds,” “Jacob F enster’s will” or “Loki.”
— | The target is fairly well known or definable, such as “any car keys,” “a diamond ring,” “a will,” or “a Mekhet.”
–2 | Target is in motion.
–2 | The target is a vaguely defined class, such as “jewelry,” “documents,” or “a ghoul.”
Anything more vaguely or abstractly defined, such as “valuables” or “people” has no chance of success at all.

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