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Vampire the Requiem - Covenant - The Invictus
After a Lynx understands how to alter a network around himself, he can learn how to alter the relationships between nodes other than himself. With this power, a Lynx can edit the chains of information that flow out of a scanned node, altering emotional states and spatial rhythms with the mystic force of his will. A clever Lynx can use this power to set off much larger changes in a network: a frayed relationship may lead to lucrative political clash or a halt in traffic may keep unwanted pursuers at bay or dangerous reinforcements away.


Dramatic Failure: The character temporarily loses his attunement to the network type being interfered with. For the rest of the night, all the character’s powers of Web are ineffective with that network type. The Willpower spent to activate this power is wasted.
Failure: The normal state of the network is too difficult to alter, so the character cannot make his changes stick. The Willpower spent to activate this power is wasted.
Success: The character successfully alters the natural state of the subject node. If the node is a creature in a social network, the Lynx may alter that node’s relationship with another, adjacent node in the system. In game terms, the Lynx may color that relationship with any Virtue or Vice; the behavior of the subject creature changes only in regard to one other creature to reflect the values of that Virtue or Vice. For example, if the Lynx alters the Seneschal’s attitude towards the Prince to align with Greed, the Seneschal may begin to scheme against his lord or toady for more power. If the Lynx then successfully alters the Prince’s attitude to be informed by Charity, the Prince might take pity on his servant and grant him more power.
If this power is used on a spatial network, the Lynx may alter the state of flow at the subject node. For example, the Lynx may mystically compel the drivers on an expressway to slow down and gape for no reason near the subject node or the Lynx might subtly influence pedestrians to clear a path on a busy sidewalk. The exact effects must be adjudicated by the Storyteller, but the general effect is this: the Lynx can attenuate good flow into bad or expand bad flow into good.
Each change persists for the remainder of the scene, but the effects wrought by the changed network may endure forever. For example, car crashes caused by an altered network may lead to very real deaths.
The Lynx must be able to see the subject node with his own eyes when this power is activated.
Exceptional Success: An exceptional success yields no enhanced effects, though the changes to the subject node may persist for the rest of the night, at the Storyteller’s discretion.
Material Components
Cost: 1 Willpower
Gestures & Ritual
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Persuasion + Web versus subject’s Resolve + Blood Potency
Related Discipline
Effect Casting Time
Applied Restriction
Modifier | Situation
–2 | The character has just encountered the subject for the first time.
–3 | The character has never encountered the node to be altered in the subject’s perception.
–4 | The Virtue or Vice to be conveyed is strongly out of line with the subject’s default relationship (e.g., making an angry widow regard her husband’s killer with Charity).
–1 to –5 | The character’s own hatred or bias interferes with his ability to subtly project his influence onto the subject.

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