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•••• Insensate

Vampire the Requiem - Bloodlines the Chosen
Much can be accomplished through proper stimulation, yet not being able to sense the world around you can become far more tortuous. Sadistic Kindred use this power to cripple their victims, dimming one sense after another in a cycle of sensory deprivation. The Duchagne must speak to the target, mentioning the sense that he intends to affect.
In order to use Insensate, the Kindred draws upon his own detachment and “shares” it with the subject. Doing so causes a slight increase in the Duchagne vampire’s own separation from his bodily senses.
An afflicted target does not always lose the use of the affected sense completely — some are merely numbed or dimmed significantly. Only the most powerful attack can fully blind or deafen a subject.


Dramatic Failure: The vampire dims his own sense, suffering the full effects of the power. Any action he attempts to take that relies upon the sense affected incurs a –2 dice penalty.
Failure: The power fails to take hold.
Success: The victim suffers a penalty to all rolls involving the chosen sense equal to the number of successes made in excess of the victim’s. The chosen sense dims significantly — sight fades and blurs, hearing becomes muted, flesh numbs, scent diffuses or taste diminishes. The effect begins to fade immediately, at the rate of one die per turn.
Example: Gerard of Duchagne uses Insensate on a hapless Gangrel named Carmen, intending to dim her sight. He scores six successes on the activation roll, and Carmen scores three on her resistance roll, so the power activates with a total of 6- 3=3 successes. Carmen’s vision dims, and she suffers a –3 dice penalty to any sight-related action she takes the following turn. In the turn after that, she suffers a –2 dice penalty and in the turn after that she suffers a –1 die penalty. Once the penalty reaches 0, she no longer feels the effects of the power.
Exceptional Success: As above. While the imposed penalty is –5 or higher, the subject has no access whatsoever to the target sense and is totally blind, deaf, numb and unable to smell or taste.
Material Components
Cost: 1 Vitae
Gestures & Ritual
Dice Pool: Intelligence + Subterfuge + Licencieux versus target’s Resolve + Blood Potency
Related Discipline
Effect Casting Time
Applied Restriction
This power cannot be used more than once on a single victim per night, by any vampire.

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