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•••• Passion Fugue

Vampire the Reqiuem - Covenant - The Invictus
With this power, the vampire nullifies all emotional ties her target has to his own social network or even his own life in general. Memories of home, friends and family — including Allies, Mentors and the like — are washed away by a tide of numbing amnesia. Moreover, covenant loyalties, job responsibilities and similar obligations all fall away, as the target rips himself from any social pattern he was a part of, letting the Ravager play the part of the Pied Piper, calling her target away from the existence he once knew.
The Invictus loves targeting key members of other covenants (particularly subversive Carthians) with this power, as it makes them forget their “cause” along with all their social connections, allowing the subject to be reprogrammed with a more Invictus-friendly mentality.
Some Kallisti even use this power on themselves if they feel they’re becoming too hampered by social obligations.


Dramatic Failure: The attempt results in a backlash of numbing, emotional coldness that penalizes all of the user’s Social dice pools by –2 for the rest of the night. The subject knows exactly what the character just tried to do and responds accordingly. (Though in some cases, the subject may welcome the opportunity to forget his past).
Failure: The character fails to invoke the emotional numbing effect. Vitae and Willpower spent to activate the power are lost. The character may try again in a later scene.
Success: The subject is cut off from all emotional connections to his past and current social network and anything he has an emotional connection to (home, church, hobbies, social causes, even addictions). For the rest of the night, the subject is unable to tap into his emotional background; he cannot muster a desire to return home, affection for his loved ones or any fears for their safety or well-being. They become merely “people he knows.” The character instinctually seeks out other means to satisfy his whims, such as new friends, old lovers and dangerous thrill-seeking events, depending on her Vice.
The character suffers a –3 penalty on all Resolve or Composure rolls to resist compulsions, pressure and impulses. When the opportunity arises to act in accordance with his Vice, he must succeed on a penalized, reflexive Resolve + Composure roll to resist his impulses. He cannot spend Willpower to augment actions involving his old friends or family.
Exceptional Success: As a success, but the subject outright forgets everything that has a strong emotional pull for him, including the location of his home (or haven), or the fact that such a place even exists. The subject forgets everyone to whom he has any emotional connection for a number of nights equal to the number of successes rolled by the Ravager’s player. He may vaguely recognize their faces, but they are strangers to him in all other ways. He has no memories of them or emotional connection with them whatsoever. A target with an addiction forgets about it, to the point that even if he begins suffering delirium tremens from going cold turkey he won’t know why or what it is he needs to make them stop. Even the power of the Vinculum is severely weakened, although in the case of such a powerful bond, the subject knows that there’s someone out there to whom he is powerfully bound, he just won’t remember who it is, even if he encounters that individual face-to-face. If he drinks from that Kindred again, he’ll remember her — and the Vinculum — perfectly.
Material Components
Cost: 1 Vitae + 1 Willpower
Gestures & Ritual
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Subterfuge + Perfidy versus subject’s Composure + Blood Potency
Related Discipline
Effect Casting Time
Instant and contested; resistance is reflexive.
Applied Restriction
Modifier | Situation
+3 | The subject wants to forget his past (even if just in the moment of activation).
+3 | The character is using this power on herself.
+2 | The power is turned on a vampire with whom the user has a blood tie (see Vampire: The Requiem, p. 162).
+2 | The subject is intoxicated.
–2 | The subject has a Vinculum to someone.

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