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••••• Break the Weave

Vampire the Requiem - Ancient Bloodlines
The most potent of the powers of the Septemi, Break the Weave immediately ends a single supernatural effect. Characters whose effects are broken in this manner do not regain any expended Willpower, Vitae or other supernatural traits. The Septemi shouts a simple prayer (no more than three words), unleashing a powerful wave of energy that disrupts other supernatural powers.


Dramatic Failure: The Septemi fails, resulting in a massive backlash of energy through her own form. She immediately loses any supernatural effects that she was benefiting from and cannot use Abjurism again for the duration of the scene.
Failure: The character fails to undo whatever unnatural power she attempted to overcome.
Success: The targeted supernatural effect immediately ends.
Exceptional Success: As above, save all supernatural effects on the targeted character, item or locale immediately end.

Side/Secondary Effects

This power can target all Kindred Disciplines and their remaining effects as well as the powers of other supernatural entities. Furthermore, it can break The Vinculum and even cure Vitae Addiction (these are considered two different effects, necessitating two separate applications of the power), though breaking a Vinculum costs a permanent dot of Willpower on the part of both the Septemi and the target (the targeted character must truly wish to overcome her dependence on her regnant). It cannot undo Healing of any kind, though it can reverse changes made to the body for any other purpose. The presence of ghosts or spirits is not considered a supernatural power (unless summoned into the scene, in which case the specific effects of the power used to summon the entity is undone, possibly including the entity’s ability to be present), though Numina that allow an entity to manifest in the physical world are. This power cannot remove a template from a character (meaning that it cannot undo the Embrace, First Change, Awakening, etc.) or destroy a character’s Advantage pool (Vitae, Essence, etc.). This power cannot revert a ghoul to human state.
Material Components
Cost: 1 Willpower
Gestures & Ritual
Dice Pool: Resolve + Occult + Abjurism vs. target’s Composure + Blood Potency
Related Discipline
Effect Casting Time
Instant and contested. Alternately, the target may choose not to resist this power.
Applied Restriction
The target is always considered the character afflicted with or benefiting from a power (which is not necessarily the one that established the effect). If the Septemi uses Break the Weave to destroy an effect on an inanimate object or locale, the roll is not contested.
Modifier | Situation
+2 | The targeted effect is Kindred in origin.
+2 | Character spends a turn chanting and ritualizing prior to the activation of the power. The character can do nothing else during that turn (though does retain her Defense).
— | The targeted effect is non-Kindred in origin.
-1 | The character targets a character, place or thing rather than a specific effect. The Storyteller chooses which effect is ended by the power.

Magic Items and the Broken Weave
Permanently magical items (such as blessed items, a werewolf’s fetish or a mage’s Artifact, or permanently imbued or enhanced items) cannot be divested of their magic through the use of this power any more than a vampire can be made incapable of spending Vitae. Effects created through the use of the item, on the other hand, are fair game (meaning that while a Passionate cannot render an Artifact non-magical through this power, he can undo spells cast through it).
If the item is only temporarily enhanced, on the other hand, this power takes effect as usual, contested by the Composure + Blood Potency of whoever currently has the item in her possession.

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