••••• Master of the Demesne Spell in Vampirism for Amoral Sociopaths | World Anvil
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••••• Master of the Demesne

Vampire the Requiem - Covenant - The Invictus
A master of Tenure can extend his mystical awareness throughout his entire Demesne, inside and out, above ground or below. If a particular person is within his Demesne, he can find her and knows her location down to the footprint.
If the vampire wants, he can track a person for an entire scene. Master of the Demesne surpasses previous Tenure powers in that the character knows the target’s actual surroundings, demeanor and bearing, not merely the target’s distance and direction. With greater effort, the vampire can even cause his Demesne to hinder or help targets he has located.
By the time a vampire is able to use this power, he knows his Demesne intimately. It does not work anywhere else.


Dramatic Failure: The character receives a false indication of the target’s location or believes it is not present at all.
Failure: The character cannot sense the target object’s location.
Success: The vampire knows the exact location of the target object if it is within his Demesne.
Exceptional Success: An exceptional success grants the vampire the ability to affect the area immediately surrounding a detected target with the vampire’s raw will. The vampire can now spend 1 Willpower point to activate the Home Ground power through his mystic connection to the target and alter the target’s environment for better or worse.

Side/Secondary Effects

The vampire can impose an environmental penalty to the target’s next action equal to the successes achieved on the Home Ground activation roll. For the most part, this penalty applies only to Physical actions, but exceptions abound: a drifting fog might penalize Perception-based dice pools as well as Drive checks, for example. Alternately, streetlights might go out, stoplights might all turn red or cracked asphalt may become especially unstable.
Activating Home Ground in this way requires an action, as usual. The vampire may change the nature and location of the penalties he applies with another action, but his ability to influence his Demesne remotely lasts only as long as he focuses on the target. Once the vampire returns his attention to his own surroundings, this enhanced Home Ground power ends. Another Willpower point and another activation roll are required to invoke it again.
Material Components
Cost: 1 Vitae per scene (plus 1 Willpower for further effects)
Gestures & Ritual
Dice Pool: Intelligence + Investigation + Tenure
Related Discipline
Effect Casting Time

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