Blood Compass Item in Vampirism for Amoral Sociopaths | World Anvil
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Blood Compass

Vampire the Requiem - Ancient Bloodlines
A blood compass looks like nothing more than a square of white fabric spotted with blood. They were first made by Kindred of the second wave as a means to track members of the Gens Libres bloodline. The Vitae spilled upon the cloth belongs to one of the earliest members of the bloodline. To use the artifact, a vampire must concentrate upon the blood-stain; the player spends one Willpower point. Traces of the Beast that remain in the dried Vitae respond to his command, and the blood stains upon the cloth shift, gathering in the direction of the nearest member of the bloodline. The blood will point in the direction of the nearest Freedman for the duration of one scene. Only a few dozen such bloody cloths exist in the world tonight. Few vampires currently know how to create a Blood Compass, and those who do guard the secret carefully.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

Dramatic Failure: The ritual fails spectacularly. The artifact activates, but points in a false direction, leading the user on a wild goose chase for the duration of a scene.
Failure: The artifact fails entirely, but not dangerously. The character loses the Willpower point, but the artifact does not activate.
Success: The Blood Compass points in the direction of the nearest member of the Gens Libres bloodline. The character must accumulate a number of successes appropriate to the distance between the tracker and the quarry. A target in the next building might require only three successes, while one a hundred miles away might require as many as twenty. In any case, the Blood Compass always points the vampire in the right direction (provided the tracker continues to accumulate successes). Once the Compass is activated, it remains so for an entire night. The search for a member of the bloodline can therefore take place over a number of nights, with the tracker reactivating the Compass at each sundown.
If a vampire owns a Blood Compass and knows one of the Freedmen personally and can use the Summoning power of the Majesty Discipline, the Summoning attempt receives a +3 modifier.
Exceptional Success: The player makes considerable progress toward the goal.
Item type
Unique Artifact
Related ethnicities
Cost: 1 Willpower
Dice Pool: Resolve + Persuasion + Blood Potency
Action: Extended

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