Blood Fire Spell in Vampirism for Amoral Sociopaths | World Anvil
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Blood Fire

Level-Three Theban Sorcery Ritual

Vampire the Requiem - Covenant - Lancea Sanctum
The sorcerer’s blood is transformed into the fuel of a righteous fire with this ritual. A foe that deals lethal or aggravated damage to the sorcerer with a close combat attack is burned by this holy flame when the sorcerer’s body is slashed, pierced or otherwise physically penetrated. Treat the Blood Fire reaction as a reflexive action. The fire causes lethal damage to the attacker equal to the successes achieved on the Blood Fire ritual’s activation roll, minus the rating of any armor the attacker is wearing. No attack roll is made for this backlash of flame, and the attacker’s Defense does not apply.
Blood Fire is completely intangible to all persons except the attacker. It does no harm to other people or objects and cannot provoke frenzy from anyone it cannot harm. Once activated, Blood Fire reacts to a number of successful attacks equal to the sorcerer’s dots in Theban Sorcery. If the Blood Fire is not completely utilized by the end of the scene, any remaining reactions are wasted. The sorcerer can only enjoy the benefits of one Blood Fire ritual at a time.
Material Components
Offering: A burning object, at least as large and intense as a torch.
Related Discipline

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