Blood Scourge Spell in Vampirism for Amoral Sociopaths | World Anvil
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Blood Scourge

Level-One Theban Sorcery Ritual

The vampire transforms a portion of his own blood into a wicked instrument of punishment. For each dot that the character possesses in Theban Sorcery, he may create a stinging whip Vitae with which to scourge his foes. An attack with the weapon has a dice pool equal to the character’s Strength + Weaponry + the number of lashes created, and inflicts lethal damage. The Blood Scourge lasts a number of turns equal to the player’s success on the invocation roll. At the end of that time, the Vitae whips turn to dust.
A character can invoke Blood Scourge only once until its duration expires. He may thereafter invoke another whip, however. A character may voluntarily terminate a Blood Scourge if he does not want to keep it for the full duration of the power.
Material Components
Offering: The Kindred’s own blood is the offering. In enacting the ritual, the vampire must slice open his wrist with a sacrificial knife. The scourge created — regardless of its number of lashes — costs one Vitae.
Related Discipline

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