Call of Amoniel Spell in Vampirism for Amoral Sociopaths | World Anvil
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Call of Amoniel

Level-Four Theban Sorcery Ritual

Vampire the Requiem - Covenant - Lancea Sanctum
This ritual was discovered in the vault of Thebes on the first night after the angel Amoniel gave Theban Sorcery to the Sanctified, but was renamed following St. Daniel’s day of reckoning. This ritual simply allows the sorcerer to successfully awaken any time during the following day, without planning in advance what criterion might be necessary to rouse her. A minor degree of clairvoyance is involved in this magic, as the character may even be roused by stimuli seemingly too distant to hear or feel — in short, the sorcerer automatically awakens when her sleep is disturbed. She may even awaken based on information that would normally be unavailable to a sleeping vampire, such as the time of day, the delivery of a package or the falling of snow. The range of this vague clairvoyance is extremely limited; the sorcerer is not made aware of anything outside the boundaries of the building or immediate region where she sleeps, but the specific limits are up to the Storyteller’s assessment of the circumstance. As a guideline, assume the sorcerer senses anything she could if she were awake and walking circles around her sleeping body. For example, the sorcerer may sense a car door slamming outside her Haven, but not a car just driving by. She may become aware of rain clattering on the roof, but not of an approaching storm. She may dream that she’s sitting by a campfire on the dirt above her slumbering corpse when she sees eyes shining at the edge of the firelight, but be unable to discern anything going on out in the darkness. The sleeping vampire doesn’t necessarily see or hear these stimuli, however, but knows they’re occurring.
Once the sorcerer is awake, she may remain awake all day without an extended action. Vitae must still be spent, as usual, to rise and to carry on into the night. A vampire under the effects of this ritual may also use the successes scored on the activation roll in place of her Humanity, if she chooses, to determine the maximum dice pool size for actions undertaken during the daytime. This use of the ritual lasts for a number of hours equal to the sorcerer’s dots in Theban Sorcery, beginning when she first awakens. When those hours pass, her dice pools are limited by Humanity again, as normal. (For the complete rules on daytime activity for vampires, see Vampire: The Requiem, p. 184.)
If nothing awakens the sleeping sorcerer, the Willpower point spent to activate this ritual is still paid and the ritual is wasted.
Material Components
Offering: A white bird, alive or dead.
Related Discipline

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