Celibacy Spell in Vampirism for Amoral Sociopaths | World Anvil
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Level-One Theban Sorcery Ritual

Vampire the Requiem - Covenant - Lancea Sanctum
This pointed ritual, given in a vision to an English Bishop in the 18th Century, grants the subject — designated by a touch on the neck — a resistance to the ecstasy of the vampire bite, called the Kiss. Performing this ritual requires a sorcerer to toe the edge of the Masquerade; practitioners had best be careful. Each success scored on the activation roll grants an additional die to the subject’s Resolve + Composure dice pool to resist the Kiss. In addition, the subject automatically reacts with alarm to the Kiss, however it is attempted (see Vampire: The Requiem, p. 165), and is unable to voluntarily succumb to a feeding vampire. These benefits last until the next sunrise.
A mortal may be affected by only one instance of Celibacy at a time.
The Lancea Sanctum secretly uses this ritual on mortals suspected to be singled out for the Embrace by would-be violators of the Second Tradition. It is not a guaranteed deterrent, but it has stopped many violations before they can be completed.
The roll to activate this power is penalized by the subject’s Resolve.
Material Components
Offering: The sorcerer must obtain a bit of the subject’s sweat to be consumed when the ritual is enacted. Sweat can be used when touched, so a sweaty subject of Celibacy can sometimes be spotted by a smear of ash on the neck.
Related Discipline

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