Disguise in Vampirism for Amoral Sociopaths | World Anvil
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World of Darkness - Rulebook
If your character attempts to pass himself off as someone else, roll Wits + Subterfuge in a contested action against the individual whom he tries to deceive. The subject gets the same roll. If your character has supporting documents (passport, driver's license) that help reinforce the disguise, apply a +1 to +3 modifier depending on the quality of the documentation (see below). If the subject knows or is familiar with the person being impersonated, apply a -2 to -5 modifier to your roll (-2 if familiarity is passing, -5 if it's intimate).
If rolls achieve the same number of successes, re-roll.
Example: Stoe attempts to bluff his way into a corporate office posing as a police officer. Stoe's Wits is 4 and Subterfuge is 2. He has a fake badge and ID that look good enough to pass a cursory inspection, adding a +2 modifier to the roll. The secretary at the front desk has a Wits of 3 and a Subterfuge of 1. Stoe wins the roll handily with three successes to her one, and the secretary hurriedly ushers the "detective" into the vice president's office.
Roll Results
Dramatic Failure: Your character's disguise is badly flawed. Not only does the deception fail but the disguise must be abandoned altogether before any other attempt can be made.
Failure: Your character does not pass himself off as someone else.
Success: Your character manages to pass himself off as someone else.
Exceptional Success: Your character so thoroughly convinces his subject that she actively vouches for his assumed identity.
Suggested Equipment: Fake ID (+1), hair dye (+1), professional makeup kit (+2), full set of fake credentials (driver's license, social security card) (+3)
Possible Penalties: Lack of tools (-3 to -5), lack of appropriate clothes (-2 to -4), rushed disguise (-2), no credentials (-1 to -3)
Dice Pool: Wits + Subterfuge + equipment (impersonator) versus Wits + Subterfuge (subject)
Action: Contested

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