Display of the Beast Spell in Vampirism for Amoral Sociopaths | World Anvil
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Display of the Beast

Level-Four Theban Sorcery Ritual

Vampire the Requiem - Covenant - Lancea Sanctum
The sorcerer exaggerates the Beast into a physical manifestation of malevolence. The subject of this ritual can be any single vampire within direct earshot of the sorcerer — including himself. His teeth — all his teeth — grow long and sharp. His eyes flash with a savage fire. His fingers become serrated and bony. Kindred in the presence of the Display of the Beast must make an extended action to resist the frenzy of fear. The successes required to overcome the fear are equal to the successes scored on the ritual’s activation roll.
Mortals and Ghouls who look upon the Display of the Beast go mad with fear. Terrified Ghouls and kine must spend their turns retreating (moving at least their Speed away from the subject) until they cannot see the Display of the Beast any longer. Any non-reflexive actions taken in the meantime suffer a penalty equal to the sorcerer’s dots in Theban Sorcery. Mortals automatically lose a point of Willpower upon first seeing the Display of the Beast in a given scene. Mortals and Ghouls alike must spend a Willpower point to muster the courage to attack the subject of this ritual (no bonus dice are granted by the expenditure).
The roll to activate this ritual is penalized by the subject’s Stamina. The Display of the Beast lasts for one scene, or until ended by the sorcerer, whichever comes first.
Material Components
Offering: The skull of a dead mortal, whether naked or still clad in flesh.
Related Discipline

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