Fires of Vengeance Spell in Vampirism for Amoral Sociopaths | World Anvil
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Fires of Vengeance

Level-Five Theban Sorcery Ritual

Vampire the Requiem - Covenant - Lancea Sanctum
Is this the terrible power wielded by St. Daniel against the Romans? Sanctified scholars cannot say for certain, though this ritual was known to sorcerers at the time of his Requiem. It was one of the original powers given to the Monachus by Amoniel.
With but a look and the sound of his voice, the sorcerer turns a victim’s sins into white-hot flame (though some witnesses describe the dark power as something more akin to electricity). The sorcerer proclaims the sinners who are to be punished (“Murderers!”) and any mortal, ghoul or vampire withindirect sight of the sorcerer who has committed such a sin is tormented by the Fires of Vengeance. The flames cause one point of lethal damage for every success scored with a dice pool equal to 10 minus the victim’s Humanity or Morality, which can be resisted with a Resolve + Stamina roll (think of it as a reflexive, contested action between the victim and his own sins). If the victim’s successes equal or surpass the points of damage dealt by the Fires of Vengeance, the victim suffers no damage from the ritual in that turn. Otherwise, the victim suffers the full force of the power that turn. Each turn the Flames of Vengeance continue to burn, the victim must resist them anew.
The sorcerer may keep the Fires of Vengeance burning for one turn per success scored on the activation roll. If the sorcerer performs any action other than moving his Speed, the Fires of Vengeance go out. If the sorcerer loses sight of a victim, the effect ends for that victim. Only those sinners in sight at the moment when the ritual is completed are effected by it.
The Fires of Vengeance are a spiritual force not be confused with earthly fire. They do not invoke a vampire’s fear of fire (though may otherwise provoke frenzy) and deal lethal damage to Kindred and kine alike.


Example: Ezekiel, a Sanctified Bishop, has found the neonate coterie who stole an artifact from the covenant at a recent rite. They’ve hidden themselves in an abandoned hotel room on the outskirts of the city and there are only two ways into or out of their room: the front door, and a small window in the bathroom. Ezekiel arrives early in the evening, when the whelps are still tying their shoelaces, and has his loyal minions break down the door. Ezekiel steps into the moldy room and throws his hands apart, shouting “Thieves!” He can see all three of his enemies from where he stands. Each of them is soon sheathed in blue flames that spread from their thieving hands.
All three of Ezekiel’s victims have a Humanity rating of 5, so the Fires of Vengeance burn each of them with a dice pool of 5 (10 minus Humanity 5). The players agree to roll just one dice pool for the Fires and use that value for the lot of them, to keep things simple, and get three successes as a result. Each of them makes a reflexive Resolve + Stamina roll to contest the miraculous fires. Two of the victims roll fewer than three successes, so the poor bastards both suffer one point of lethal damage for each success scored by the Fires of Vengeance. The fortunate third victim gets three successes on his roll and suffers no damage whatsoever, though he still shrieks and panics over the fires licking up from his flesh.
While Ezekiel continues to glare and pray, one of the wounded victims bolts for the bathroom window even as his undead flesh blackens and cracks. Once he’s in the bathroom, he’s out of Ezekiel’s sight, so the Fires of Vengeance go out — but there isn’t enough room in the bathroom for anyone else. So, meanwhile, his two cohorts stand in sight of Ezekiel and continue to burn. One pleads for mercy, the other pulls his Knife, then tosses it away when Ezekiel’s enforcers reveal their fire-axes.
Both of Ezekiel’s remaining victims must roll for and against the Fires of Vengeance again. This time, however, they both suffer four points of lethal damage! While their coterie-mate struggles to open the boarded-up window in the bathroom, these two collapse onto the rotted carpet and, writhing, beg forgiveness from Ezekiel.
Material Components
Offering: The vampire’s Humanity. To perform this terrible ritual, the vampire gives his body up to the Beast and cannot deny the loss of his self in the process. The sorcerer’s Humanity automatically drops by one. A derangement roll may still be called for, but sorcerers who choose to use this ritual based on their own Virtues or Vices may be pardoned from the risk if the Storyteller approves — the monster who learns this power is unlikely to be further deranged by its use.
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