Fontal Ritual
Effect: To make use of the spiritual powers contained in the Wyrm’s Nests called wellheads or fontal nests, a Dragon must know an arcane ritual capable of harnessing and channeling that power into a medium suitable for vampires: blood. Before a vampire can learn those abstruse rituals, however, she must be trained in the ways of blood attunement and ritual memorization. Learning rituals is demanding — it requires the Dragon to develop a sort of psychic muscle memory for the words, behaviors and acts of will necessary to invoke a ritual’s power. But before the Dragon can “train her blood” to perform a ritual, she must learn how to learn, in a sense.
A character with this Merit can purchase and perform fontal rituals. In addition, this Merit grants the character a +2 bonus on Wits-based dice pools to investigate or locate nearby fontal nests. This Merit grants no bonus on dice pool for mystic extrapolation, but does aid in dousing.
A character with this Merit can purchase and perform fontal rituals. In addition, this Merit grants the character a +2 bonus on Wits-based dice pools to investigate or locate nearby fontal nests. This Merit grants no bonus on dice pool for mystic extrapolation, but does aid in dousing.
Prerequisite: Academics • and Occult ••