Forbiddance of Blood Spell in Vampirism for Amoral Sociopaths | World Anvil
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Forbiddance of Blood

Level-Two Theban Sorcery

Vampire the Requiem - Ghouls
With this ritual, the Kindred can prevent a ghoul from using Disciplines. The ghoul must be under a Vinculum to the character (though a four-dot variant allows a Sanctified vampire to perform this ritual on any ghoul). If the player rolls an exceptional success when casting this ritual, the ghoul cannot use any Disciplines. A standard success only bars the ghoul from using nonphysical Disciplines (that is, any Disciplines other than Celerity, Resilience and Vigor). The effects of the ritual last for one month.
Material Components
Offering: A apple, which must pass from the vampire’s hands into the ghouls’. (The ghoul does not have to willingly accept the apple.) Once the ghoul touches the fruit, it rots in seconds.
Related Discipline

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