Haven: Occultation

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Shadows in the Dark - Mekhet
Effect: Some Vampires become so linked to the places they inhabit that they somehow imbue these places with something of their own being. The Shadows are particularly good at this: consider the boarded-up house that everyone walks past, but no-one ever looks at, or the basement room that everyone forgets, or the attic that Frances used to inhabit, with the trapdoor that no one ever looked at.
This is an extension of the Haven Merit (Vampire: The Requiem, p. 100) which works alongside Haven Size, Location and Security. The larger a haven, the more difficult it is to hide: a character with Haven Size of more than three dots cannot take advantage of this Merit.
A haven belonging to a vampire with this Merit simply becomes very difficult to find: characters who have never been to the haven who try to find a way to access it suffer a dice pool penalty equal to the character’s dots in the Merit; characters who don’t know it is there at all don’t normally notice it, but if it comes to rolling Wits + Composure to notice it, they suffer the same penalty.
Prerequisite: Haven Size ••• or less