House Lamia Organization in Vampirism for Amoral Sociopaths | World Anvil
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House Lamia

The Kindred of House Lamia operate out of Thessoloniki, the second-largest city in Greece. It is an aggressively matriarchal House, and its three members have sworn to grant the Embrace only to women, preferably women who have been grievously wronged by men. All three members of House Lamia share a particular dislike of men. The House members have seen centuries of male arrogance and philandering and have dedicated their Requiems to making the cruelest, least loyal and most deceitful men in the city suffer for their assorted crimes. Every time House Lamia has a Summit, these three powerful old vampires determine who the city’s most reprehensible men are and hunt them down. On average, the city sees a purge of its men once every 25 years or so, and the results are pronounced enough that House Lamia has established a place for itself in the local folklore.
Some Athenian women have taken to asking the members of the House for vengeance when they’ve been egregiously wronged by a man, and the House has shown a willingness to fulfill this function, especially if the women can contribute something to the long-term goals of the dynasty through gifts of money, influence, secrets or other Resources.
Mortals are not the only ones who need to fear the Kindred of House Lamia, either. Male vampires, particularly those who prove themselves untrustworthy or duplicitous, are also marked for punishment. Thessoloniki has a Kindred population comparable to that of any other city of similar size, but only a handful of those are male. The Kindred of House Lamia have made the city palpably hostile to male Kindred, and sent to Final Death many of those who chose to stay. Among the few mortals in Thessoloniki who know of the existence of Kindred, almost all of them would be amazed to discover that male vampires even exist.
Over the years, many of the city’s male vampires have been captured by members of House Lamia (or their many agents) and “tapped,” that is to say, they’re totally immobilized, fed a diet of low-quality mortal blood and fed from when the members of the House reach a degree of Blood Potency that necessitates their feeding from other Kindred. Since all members of the House are already bound to one another through The Vinculum, feeding from a “tapped” Kindred doesn’t pose any threat of changing loyalties. Worse, when the Lamia have grown tired of this vessel’s “taste,” they simply send him to Final Death, often through the act of Diablerie.
The Lamia are hardly the ideal proponents of The Invictus’ philosophies, but they are old, and powerful, and they rule the Kindred of Thessoloniki (most of whom are their childer), with a velvet-covered iron fist. Because of the Lamia, The Invictus is, for all intents and purposes, the only game in town for local Kindred.
The members of House Lamia seem to have discovered a secret to shortening Torpor; even after reaching the lofty heights of Blood Potency, members of this House never seem to need to fall into eclipse for more than 25 years or so at a stretch before rising again. This ability to enter short Torpor, if it needs to be said, is an incredible advantage as it allows the Kindred of this cyclical dynasty to determine their own Blood Potency with a degree of control rarely seen anywhere else. None of these three Kindred allows her Blood Potency to fall below five, and they frequently rise to the highest levels of Blood Potency, making them terrifying adversaries and favored Allies.
Ruling Organization

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