House Machten Organization in Vampirism for Amoral Sociopaths | World Anvil
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House Machten

Vampire the Requiem - Covenant - The Invictus
Based in the sewers of Paris, House Machten comprises three ancient Nosferatu who refer to one another as “My Beloved,” “My Delight” and “My Nightmare.” Delight is the only member of the House currently active, although Nightmare is due out of Torpor very shortly.
The Kindred of House Machten date back to the time of the Camarilla of Rome, and these Kindred still seem to think in terms of the Camarilla from time to time. House Machten still seems to view The Invictus and The Lancea Sanctum as one entity, and the House members find themselves viewing The Ordo Dracul as a strange offshoot of the Circle of the Crone. House Machten acknowledges the Carthians, on the other hand, only through acts of violence. Delight, in particular, derives great enjoyment from draining Carthians dry and hiding their desiccated bodies in the catacombs beneath the city, where they’re indistinguishable from the mortal remains interred there.
Though House Machten could go for higher office, the House members fill the position of Hound in Paris. The Invictus Prince of Paris is relatively young, ironically, and all too happy to have a Kindred force of nature like House Machten at his command. They use Gestapo-like tactics to keep the other Kindred of Paris in line, and the House’s reward is the orderly behavior of the city’s terrified Kindred. House Machten has taken a particular dislike to the Carthians, whom the House sees as trying to disorder the city and soliciting disrespect for The Invictus; the Carthians have all but gone underground to escape persecution. Most recently, Paris’ Carthian Movement has been discussing what tactics they need to adopt to send one or all members of House Machten to Final Death. The Carthians feel pressured to act before Nightmare wakes, but the Movement’s numbers have been so reduced that they don’t have the Resources. Should the Kindred of House Machten hear word of the Carthians’ conspiracy, it is entirely possible that Paris will be entirely without a Carthian presence.
Ruling Organization

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