House Penangallan Organization in Vampirism for Amoral Sociopaths | World Anvil
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House Penangallan

In the jungles of Malaysia exists a House that has set itself up as the nobility of the bloody jungle. Savage queens, they hold power not in a single city, but in a network of closely packed villages. These three Gangrel Kindred are easily identified by their long white hair and the long claws they sport as their sign of office (and clan). At times, the Kindred of House Penangallan seem more like forces of nature or terrible jungle demons than anything that can claim to be civilized — especially around mortals they deem to be ignorant or unworthy. Still, House members manifest a remarkable degree of civility in the presence of other Kindred.
This cyclical dynasty is among the most violent and primitive in The Invictus, though House members are among the covenant’s more zealous members. Those Kindred familiar with The Invictus’ more genteel reputation might have trouble accepting this House as part of the covenant at all, but House Penangallan observes all of the covenant’s traditions with due respect and enthusiasm — they’re just a bit more rustic in their execution.
Chief among its accomplishments, House Penangallan has survived the savagery of a largely rural area, establishing an orderly Haven in the middle of the chaotic wilderness. They are considered trailblazers by some Kindred and ignorant bumpkins by others.
Two of these queens of the jungle are active at any one time. To their credit, the fierce queens of House Penangallan feed exclusively on the sick and the mad in their jungle with the express intention of strengthening the population the queens prey on. By their reckoning, the stronger their Herd, the stronger they become.
The Penangallan Haven is known to be a safehouse for Invictus on the run. So long as the fugitive is an Invictus member in good standing, he can expect to find refuge in the jungle Haven of the Penangallan — for a price, of course. Safety is never a cheap commodity among the Kindred.
Ruling Organization

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