House Takurizen Organization in Vampirism for Amoral Sociopaths | World Anvil
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House Takurizen

Vampire the Requiem - Covenant - The Invictus
The fourth and last member of House Takurizen joined during the Heian period, nearly 800 years ago. The intervening years have seen the House — and, by extension, The Invictus — slowly but steadily lay claim to more of Tokyo’s Kindred population. Not only does the First Estate have a near-monopoly on power in Tokyo, but most of the Kindred in the city are sworn vassals to the House.
The four Ventrue who compose House Takurizen are truly ancient and truly frightening — not that you could tell by looking at them. Judging solely by appearance, one could easily get the impression that all four members were young, well-behaved corporate men. They present a façade of cultured gentility, but they are ruthless to those who don’t support them. There are always at least two members of the House active at any one time, and they have learned to coordinate their efforts to a degree most American Kindred would find nigh impossible.
These elders have seen Japan change drastically in the last 100 years, and while they’ve begun to dislike the country’s culture, they appreciate the wealth the change has brought the House. House Takurizen’s influence is everywhere in Tokyo’s underworld. Tokyo’s yakuza is largely the elders’ to command. They have used their clan Disciplines extensively to keep tabs on everyone of interest to them. By making extensive use of animal spies and Manchurian candidates, House Takurizen has systematically undermined every faction that has dared challenge.
Ruling Organization

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