Interest Group Merits
People who share common interests tend to get together and discuss. It’s no different for the Kindred. Because these discussions are free-flowing and topical, they keep those who participate sharp, at least in the specific domain being discussed. Carthians in particular tend to be more open and far ranging in their conversations, especially when they’re grouped with other Carthians.
Participating in an interest group doesn’t necessarily improve your chances of succeeding at a relevant task, but definitely does improve your chances of capitalizing on a success and making the most of it. Typical types of groups follow.
Keep in mind that these aren’t formal cells created by any sort of Carthian High Command. They’re casual, and while they usually start with the Chain, the discussions aren’t necessarily anything that needs to be hidden from any other covenant (or, for that matter, anything any other covenant would care about). These groups are spontaneous collections based on interest for its own sake. The benefits of membership are a byproduct.
The effects of these groups presuppose attendance and attention. The group may be an Internet bulletin board or a monthly meeting at the local pool hall, but ignoring a group for more than a month is likely to diminish its usefulness. Skipping out a lot won’t lose the Merit, but does keep it from working until a few more meetings (or posts or discussions) have been used to “reactivate” it.
Participating in an interest group doesn’t necessarily improve your chances of succeeding at a relevant task, but definitely does improve your chances of capitalizing on a success and making the most of it. Typical types of groups follow.
Keep in mind that these aren’t formal cells created by any sort of Carthian High Command. They’re casual, and while they usually start with the Chain, the discussions aren’t necessarily anything that needs to be hidden from any other covenant (or, for that matter, anything any other covenant would care about). These groups are spontaneous collections based on interest for its own sake. The benefits of membership are a byproduct.
The effects of these groups presuppose attendance and attention. The group may be an Internet bulletin board or a monthly meeting at the local pool hall, but ignoring a group for more than a month is likely to diminish its usefulness. Skipping out a lot won’t lose the Merit, but does keep it from working until a few more meetings (or posts or discussions) have been used to “reactivate” it.