Legionnaire's Blessing Spell in Vampirism for Amoral Sociopaths | World Anvil
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Legionnaire's Blessing

Level-Three Theban Sorcery Ritual

Vampire the Requiem - Covenant - Lancea Sanctum
Similar to the Theban curse Blandishment of Sin, this ritual promises further suffering to the enemies of the covenant. This ritual, or something like it, was used by St. Daniel to bless the weapons of the Theban Legion. The sorcerer focuses this ritual on a weapon by kissing its blade or other deadly surface.
The damage rating of the blessed weapon is increased by the sorcerer’s dots in Theban Sorcery. These bonus dice apply to a number of attacks equal to the successes scored on the ritual’s activation roll. These blessed attacks can be made at any time that same night, when the weapon’s wielder sees fit. Each empowered attack must be invoked with a prayer of the attacker’s choosing, spoken by the attacker when the attack is made. Blessed attacks not used before the sun rises are wasted.
Guns and other projectile weapons cannot be imbued with the Legionnaire’s Blessing, though thrown weapons can be. A single weapon can be affected by only one Legionnaire’s Blessing at a time.
Material Components
Offering: The weapon blessed is the offering. Unlike most offerings, however, the weapon is weakened rather than destroyed by the ritual. Once the weapon’s blessed attacks are gone, the weapon’s damage rating decreases by one. Subsequent uses of this ritual gradually destroy the weapon.
Related Discipline

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