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Lexicon, Invictus

Vampire the Reqiuem - Covenant - The Invictus
The language of the Invictus is drenched in tradition and shot through with subtle, coded terms meant to aid in expression while remaining within the bounds of strict etiquette. It serves as a doubly-enforced slang, excluding outsiders who cannot understand the Covenant’s rules of communication, and then excluding those who learn the rules but cannot interpret the detailed, complicated vocabulary of its Kindred.
The following terms are but a sample of the multilayered idiom of the Invictus.
  • angel: A vampire who supports artistic endeavor as a means to achieve status.
  • aspiring: Scheming, overeager or difficult.
  • blooded: The condition of pure lineage, though the definition of “pure” varies from domain to domain. Generally, a line of Kindred in which all members are Invictus can be said to be blooded. Likewise, a Kindred is said to be “blooded with” or “blooded to” other members of her same bloodline. Usage: Careful what you say: she’s blooded to the Prince. or Prior to his Embrace, theirs was a blooded line.
  • breathing: Panicking, acting irrationally, being emotional. Implies weakness. Usage: You should’ve seen Matthew last night; I’ve never known him to be such a breather.
  • castle: To fortify one’s position. To withdraw from a debate without conceding the point. From the maneuver in chess. Usage: Something must have gotten to Edgar for him to castle like that.
  • drab: A lazy or unskilled vampire. May also be used to refer to the majority of Kindred, i.e. those who are not “Kindred of Quality” (see below).
  • dynastic compact: The binding contract or oath that forms the foundation of a cyclical dynasty and establishes the rights and responsibilities of each of its members.
  • eccentric: One who is insane and/or overpowered by the Beast. An unreliable vampire.
  • eclipse: An Invictus euphemism for torpor. May also refer to the time spent in torpor. Usage: The eclipse has claimed her. or: The nineteenth century was eclipsed for me.
  • exercise: A period of elementary training in Guild membership. Also used in reference to an unskilled or amateur attempt. Usage: My debate with the Bishop was exercise, I should not have attempted it.
  • fast honor: An title or reward that, once conferred, cannot be stripped.
  • familiar: Being friendly or on good terms with, but short of true allegiance. Usage: Marcus is familiar with the Crone, but that’s all. or Aren’t you being very familiar?
  • First Estate, the: The Invictus.
  • flower: As a verb, to encode or obscure meaning. Derived from a reference to Victorian floral code systems. Usage: The message was flowered.
  • foreigner: Any supernatural creature that is not a vampire.
  • Guild: An officially recognized school organized to provide professional training, eliminate unacceptable practices, and preserve knowledge within the Invictus.
  • Guild War: A competition between Guilds to prove superiority of technique. May or may not involve physical violence. House, or Dynastic House: A cyclical dynasty.
  • humility: A term that has variable meaning depending on who it is applied to. If used in reference to an elder vampire, it indicates a display of weakness. If used in reference to a neonate, it indicates intelligence. Usage: His humble display was well noted.
  • innovate, to: To create an inferior version; to destroy. Also expressed as an adjective: innovative. See: refine, to. Usage: The Prince insists on innovating with respect to his defenses.
  • I serve at the pleasure of the Prince: A functionally vague statement that acts as a catch-all response to questioning. May be used to abdicate responsibility (by shifting it upwards) or to claim it (by suggesting that one is empowered by order of the Prince without stating it explicitly).
  • Kindred: A vampire that participates in the social play of the city’s covenants. A vampire with membership in any covenant or a vampire that is familiar with civilized covenants. (Typically, as opposed to an unbound vampire, which should never be considered Kindred.) See also: familiar
  • Kindred of Quality: Invictus vampires.
  • knight: Any Kindred of the Invictus with a responsibility to engage in violence. A Kindred with a sworn oath to hurt or be harmed on behalf of a superior, whether landed or not.
  • Knight: A knight whose sole or primary duty is to serve in combat. Any professionally militant Kindred who belongs to a Knightly Order. Any landed knight. (Historically, this term was reserved for knights with other Invictus titles, but modern nights have seen the term applied to sworn combatants of other covenants who fight on behalf of the Invictus as well.)
  • landed: Having a granted feeding ground or territory of authority and responsibility, customarily awarded by a superior in the city’s Damned government. Usage: The Viscount’s a landed vampire. Everything south of the airport is his domain.
  • largesse: The currency of the Invictus. Favors, territory, money, honors – anything of value bestowed upon a less powerful vampire by his superior. Usage: I bought the car myself. The house and the property it sits on were largesse.
  • loud: Modern.
  • Manumission: The formal separation of a vampire from her Sire, marking her qualification for the responsibilities and rewards of full citizenship.
  • Meister: An officially recognized professional expert; the leader of a Guild. (archaic; also: master)
  • misstep: A harmless or forgiven breach of etiquette or formality. Usage: Think nothing of it — just a misstep.
  • Monomacy: A formal duel with potentially fatal consequences. Such duels may be fought to Final Death or to simple injury. Traditionally such duels are a matter of honor of trial by combat.
  • new: An equivalent term for “inferior”. See: old.
  • noble partner: Euphemistic term for a Kindred enemy of the Covenant. See: outsider.
  • old: An equivalent term for “superior”. Anything that is old has survived, and is thus better suited than anything that is not. Usage: You may find your gun quite exciting, but my sword is old.
  • orchestra: One’s sphere of influence. The Kindred and kine with which an Invictus vampire manipulates, influences or has pull. Usage: I’ll be out with the orchestra all night. or: He’s a member of my orchestra.
  • Order: A strict military-style Guild. E.g., a Knightly Order.
  • outsider: Any vampire who is not a member of the Invictus. Distinguished from foreigner and noble partner.
  • petition: Formal request to become a member of a Guild.
  • patron: The elder Kindred of a newly formed dynastic house partnership; also a general term referring to an influential member of the Invictus.
  • pretending: Acting beneath one’s station. (i.e. slumming; archaic)
  • privilege: The inalienable right of an individual to assert power over others. In keeping with Invictus philosophy, privilege is pre-determined, limited, and static. Usage: She may be Kindred of Quality, but the Inner Circle is beyond her privilege.
  • protégé: The younger Kindred of a newly formed dynastic house partnership.
  • provenance: Literally, place of origin or proof of authenticity and past ownership. Among the Invictus, the word is used to politely refer to the source of a Kindred’s authority or lineage even in decidedly rude or gossipy conversations. In some domains, provenance is only valid if formally recorded. Usage: He may act blooded, but his provenance isn’t really so pure.
  • red book: A notional list of the Kindred power elite in a city. May also be used to refer to the Inner Circle. Usage: She is in the red book.
  • refine, to: To invent or improve while paying proper respect to precedent; Also expressed as an adjective: refined. See: innovate, to. Usage: The Meister’s technique is not innovation. It is most refined.
  • rejuvenated: Returned to a state of youth (i.e. lessened in power) by torpor. This is not a compliment. See: old, new.
  • right-thinking: Kindred ally to or supporter of the Invictus. See: outsider. Usage: He is a right-thinking member of the Circle of the Crone.
  • scratch: A minor betrayal or personal slight, often thinly disguised as an accident or a brief indiscretion. Also, to perform such an act. Usage: Bronwyn scratched me last night in front of everyone.
  • Society: A euphemism for the Invictus. Usage: He is not of Society.
  • stable: The maintenance of a herd. Also refers to work involved in locating and preparing a mortal vessel who matches the exacting tastes of an elder. Usage: The Prince’s stable is quite elaborate and very costly.
  • summit: Any period of time in which all members of a House are awake and active.
  • teeth, drawn: refers to a submissive, harmless state imposed upon an individual. Does not necessarily refer to actual mutilation. Usage: After I dealt with her, she returned to the Prince with her teeth drawn.
  • teeth, put: refers to an aggressive or defiant state imposed upon an individual. Usage: Something put teeth into him before our meeting.
  • Tribunal: A trio of Invictus elders or established ancillae who observe a House protégé after the patron has entered torpor for the first time.
  • Tribune: A member of a tribunal.
  • Tribute: A noble title, bestowed upon Kindred by the Inner Circle for deeds benefiting the Covenant.
  • vagrant: A vampire without a haven. Also, a Kindred with no responsibilities to any covenant. (Often therefore synonymous with unbound.)
  • valea: A concubine, spy or seductress that uses sex or other physical intimacy as a means of manipulation and information gathering. (slang; male: valeo)
Associated Covenant: The Invictus

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