Messenger’s Mark Spell in Vampirism for Amoral Sociopaths | World Anvil
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Messenger’s Mark

(Level-One Theban Sorcery Ritual)

Vampire the Requiem - Nomads
This is the initiation ritual that brands one of the Sanctified as a Legate, creating an arrow- or spear-shaped mark on his or her chest. Unlike many Theban Sorcery rituals, this is permanent. There is no known way to remove the Mark, though it can remain hidden at the Legate’s discretion. Even though the ritual is simple to perform, its elements are kept secret by the Anointed among the Sanctified so that only true Legates, rather than frauds, are ever marked.
A Bishop or other Member of the Anointed casts this ritual, but thereafter the individual Legate controls it. At will, the Legate can cause the image of a lance to rise out of his flesh in the center of his chest. It appears to be a scar or brand, but the lace shape is quite clear.
Material Components
Offering: A shaft made of rowan wood
Related Discipline

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