Oaths of Avoidance
The simplest oath is an oath to refrain from some action. Some types are common: oaths not to attack a particular Kindred, feed in a certain area or enter a certain domain. Other oaths are more unusual. A powerful Invictus member on the West Coast of the United States requires those Kindred who want his help to swear not to feed from mortals who have smoked marijuana in the last 30 days, while a Prince in central Europe imposes strange oaths of avoidance as punishments. One Kindred swore never to carry any sharp object, another never to feed before midnight and yet another never to pass a cat without trying to stroke it.
It is normally obvious when an oath of avoidance has been broken, but there are always borderline cases. Kindred can choose what to believe in such cases, but, in general, supernatural penalties only apply if the Kindred in question believed that there was, at least, a real risk that he was breaking the oath. Accordingly, Kindred with lords known to be somewhat arbitrary may choose to ask to swear a supernatural oath, because if the oath does not think it has been broken, the lord finds it harder to impose punishment.
Oaths of avoidance are not usually directly beneficial to the swearer, although there may be necessary conditions on gaining Status or other temporal benefits. In general, Kindred swear these sorts of oaths because they have to.
It is normally obvious when an oath of avoidance has been broken, but there are always borderline cases. Kindred can choose what to believe in such cases, but, in general, supernatural penalties only apply if the Kindred in question believed that there was, at least, a real risk that he was breaking the oath. Accordingly, Kindred with lords known to be somewhat arbitrary may choose to ask to swear a supernatural oath, because if the oath does not think it has been broken, the lord finds it harder to impose punishment.
Oaths of avoidance are not usually directly beneficial to the swearer, although there may be necessary conditions on gaining Status or other temporal benefits. In general, Kindred swear these sorts of oaths because they have to.