Paladin's Absolution Spell in Vampirism for Amoral Sociopaths | World Anvil
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Paladin's Absolution

Level-One Theban Sorcery Ritual

Vampire the Requiem - Coteries
This rite is a boon for the conscience and well-being of the Damned who must sin in the service of the covenant. This rite relieves the subject of guilt for some action he is soon to perform. The ash from the offering must be used to mark the head or face of the subject. Each success on the invocation roll grants the subject a bonus die on the Humanity roll to see if a derangement manifests when provoked by degeneration loss for a specific action, provided the act is performed after this rite is performed and before the next sunrise. “The murder of Elizabeth Parson,” is specific enough, but “murder” is not.
Material Components
Offering: An icon or image of the person or people affected by the vampire’s actions. By extension, this ritual does not aid actions that do not harm people (including the vampire herself).
Related Discipline

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