Prison of Denial Spell in Vampirism for Amoral Sociopaths | World Anvil
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Prison of Denial

Level-Two Theban Sorcery Ritual

Vampire the Requiem - Covenant - Lancea Sanctum
The subject of this curse is forbidden to communicate with, look at or speak of another particular person, called the exile and specified when the ritual is activated. For one night, the subject is forced to deny all contact with the exile. If the exile approaches the subject, she must leave. If the subject attempts to say the exile’s name, her voice fails her for just that moment. If the exile and the subject are forced together — locked in a room together, for example — the subject is plagued with a supernatural mental block; the exile seems to be nothing more than a silent, blurry shape that the subject cannot bear to see.
The roll to activate this power is penalized by the subject’s Resolve. If the sorcerer achieves an exceptional success, the subject is literally blinded when in the presence of the exile.
Material Components
Offering: An image or unique possession of the exile, such as a photograph or monogrammed handkerchief, burned in sight of the subject when the ritual is performed.
Related Discipline

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