Rain of Blood Spell in Vampirism for Amoral Sociopaths | World Anvil
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Rain of Blood

Level-Five Theban Sorcery Ritual

Vampire the Requiem - Covenant - Lancea Sanctum
The sky or ceiling erupts in a downpour of deadly blood. This ritual enables a sorcerer to transform his own Vitae into a slicing, scalding rain of blood. The rain falls slowly at first, a drop at a time, as the sorcerer enacts the ritual. Once completed, however, it pours down as hard as the sorcerer likes (and imposing as much as a –5 penalty on actions that could be affected by ordinary rain). Though the Rain of Blood falls on everyone and everything within a roughly 40-yard diameter (or smaller, decided by the sorcerer), only those the sorcerer wishes to harm are hurt by the rain. The rain inflicts one point of lethal damage per turn for a number of turns equal to the successes scored on the ritual’s activation roll. No armor or Defense short of complete cover can stop this damage. Living victims who fail a reflexive Composure roll are also nauseated by the warm and gruesome storm, and suffer a –4 penalty on allnon-reflexive actions so long as they are within, can see or can smell the Rain of Blood.
The Rain of Blood is real enough to the senses: it stains, it sticks, it soaks, it puddles and it remains even after the ritual’s effects are ended. It may even provoke Wassail. It cannot be consumed as Vitae, however, and does not yield conclusive scientific results if tested for DNA or blood type; it seems to be an indecipherable mixture of human blood.
The sorcerer must be somewhere within the area to be affected when the ritual is completed, but can thereafter leave. If the sorcerer wishes to, he can end the Rain of Blood at any time with just a thought.
Material Components
Offering: A single Vitae, which is turned into the Rain of Blood itself, drawn from the sorcerer’s own body by blade or bite.
Related Discipline

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