Reaction to Surprise in Vampirism for Amoral Sociopaths | World Anvil
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Reaction to Surprise

World of Darkness - Rulebook
An ambush is about to be launched, a trap is about to be sprung or your character is about to run into her enemy. She may recognize the threat in time or walk right into it. Roll Wits + Composure for your character to determine if she's prepared for the worst. Even one success indicates that she is and you can roll Initiative (see p. 151) for a fight as usual. If your Wits + Composure roll fails, your character is caught off guard and can do nothing for the first turn of combat except stand and gape or get hurt. Her Defense is not applied against incoming attacks in that first turn. For more information, see "Surprise" on p. 151.
Roll Results
Dramatic Failure: Your character is completely blindsided. The Storyteller may decree that she cannot act and loses her Defense for the first two turns of any fight that ensues.
Failure: Your character notices nothing amiss and is caught off guard.
Success: Initiative may be rolled normally and your character can attack or defend herself without hindrance.
Exceptional Success: Your character spots trouble or simply senses imminent danger - and can announce it to any companions. None of her companions is caught off guard (all of their Wits + Composure rolls are considered successful).
Suggested Equipment: Hopped-up on caffeine (+1), amphetamines (+2) or methamphetamines (+3)
Possible Penalties: Dark (-3), obscuring weather (-1 to -3), distracting circumstances (-1 to -3), attacker at long range (-3), presumed safe environment (-1 to -2)
Dice Pool: Wits + Composure
Action: Reflexive

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