Resistance of Discipline Spell in Vampirism for Amoral Sociopaths | World Anvil
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Resistance of Discipline

Level-Two Theban Sorcery Ritual

Vampire the Requiem - Covenant - Lancea Sanctum
Said to have been found in the broken remains of the Black Abbey just one night after the destruction of the Monachus, this ritual enables a practitioner of Theban Sorcery to better combat the other supernatural powers of the Damned. By activating this ritual, the sorcerer grants himself, or a subject who can hear the sound of his voice, a renewed attempt to resist any Discipline power resisted with a contested action that is currently affecting the subject or his immediate surroundings, whether he initially resisted the Discipline or not.
The original dice pool for the Discipline to be resisted should not be re-rolled. The subject is pitted against the successes rolled on the initial use of the power being resisted.


Example: Solomon, a Sanctified sorcerer, believes another Kindred named Asher has been subjected to a Ventrue’s Mesmerize power. Solomon calls Asher on the phone, his hands still stained with soot from enacting the Resistance of Discipline ritual. “Asher,” Solomon says, “think hard about what that Ventrue told you. Do you remember? Think, Asher!” Solomon thereby makes Asher the subject of the ritual, so Asher’s player rolls Resolve + Blood Potency again, this time scoring four successes, better than the three rolled on the Ventrue’s use of Mesmerize. Asher is now free to disobey the suggestion he was given by the Dragon. “Yes, yes!” Asher says, “He wanted me to spy on you…”
Material Components
Offering: Any Judeo-Christian or Islamic holy symbol, such as a Star of David necklace, a prayer rug or a rosary.
Related Discipline

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