Rock Item in Vampirism for Amoral Sociopaths | World Anvil
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World of Darkness - Armory
A fist-sized rock is a time-honored bludgeoning tool. A character who grabs any rock lying around (whether a found stone, hunk of brick or piece of broken sidewalk) can use it to beat an opponent, but doing so is difficult. Rocks are not exactly made for one’s hand, and because of that, even a normal failure on an attack roll causes the attacker to drop the rock.
In areas where rocks are commonplace, players may make an extended Wits + Weaponry (or Survival) roll to find a well-shaped rock that doesn’t suffer from the improvised weapon penalty (and that characters won’t drop on a failed attack roll). Each roll represents a turn of searching, and five successes are required.
Characters can also throw rocks. Information on thrown objects can be found on p. 67, the World of Darkness Rulebook. As a thrown weapon, a rock has a Damage trait equal to its Size and is not aerodynamic.
Rocks have the Knockout special feature. (See p. 168, the World of Darkness Rulebook.)
Item type
Raw Material
Damage: 0(B)
Size: 1/P
Durability: 2
Cost: n/a
Notes: Drop on a failure

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