RSA AK-47 {7.62x39mm Soviet}
The most-produced firearm in the world is instantly recognizable even to observers who know nothing about guns. The Avtomat Kalashnikova 47’s broken-nosed profile first appeared in the Red Army’s ranks in 1949. Since then, countless variations have appeared across the world. A few of the more common include the AK-74 (the AK-47’s replacement in Russian front-line service, chambered for 5.45mm Soviet: same Traits), the AK-101 (a 5.56mm NATO version intended for export sales: same Traits) and the AKS-74U-UBN (a 5.45mm special operations carbine with a removable suppressor: apply generic carbine variation, Cost ••••). All assault rifles built on the AK-47 platform are archetypal Russian weapons: slightly inaccurate, but able to still fire on demand after 30 years of abuse that would leave other guns rusted and fungus-eaten wrecks. Whenever a chance roll with an AK-47 or relative results in a 1, roll another die; on a 7 or higher, the chance roll is only a regular failure, not a dramatic failure.
Item type
Weapon, Ranged
Ranges: 125/250/500
Capacity: 30+1
Strength: 2(2/3/4)
Size: 3
Cost: ••