Sacred Haven Spell in Vampirism for Amoral Sociopaths | World Anvil
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Sacred Haven

(Level-Four Theban Sorcery Ritual)

Vampire the Requiem - Nomads
This ritual raises a protective ward around a single room or chamber that’s no larger than 30 feet on a side, preventing sunlight from entering the area for a single day. Dust and dirt flow into cracks in the walls and ceiling. Doorjambs swell shut around gaps. Even if a window is broken or curtains are pulled open in the middle of the day, a heavy haze of airborne dust keeps sunlight from penetrating more than a few inches into the room. Note that the power of the ritual affects sunlight alone. Individuals inside the chamber can see and act normally, and artificial light or that cast by fire is unaffected. This ritual expires at an hour after sunset. The ritual affects only a room or chamber that is already largely closed on all sides. It doesn’t spontaneously create a “cube of protection” in the middle of a field, or offer shelter from the sun on a porch that lacks walls, for example.
Material Components
Offering: A pinch of crushed obsidian
Related Discipline

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