Saint Profession in Vampirism for Amoral Sociopaths | World Anvil
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Status: Lancea Sanctum (••••+)

Vampire the Requiem - Covenant - Lancea Sanctum
Saint is an unofficial honorific among the Sanctified, but for all its informality, it’s considered one of the holiest and most spiritually significant roles in the covenant. Almost without exception, elders are the only Kindred eligible to be Saints — and only those elders who exhibit pious and penitent perfection with regard to the acts of Longinus are chosen for the role. Of course, that presents something of a problematic situation. Who can truly Anoint an elder to this role but another elder? Some Sanctified postulate that the role of Saint is little more than a back-scratching gentlemen’s club of alienated elders (though rarely does anyone voice such a complaint too loudly for fear of having her skin flayed from her body and sent to her in neat little envelopes). Others are certain that the Saints form the highest echelon of the covenant proper, and every thought, action, and movement of these creatures is a sacred event. Many elders are Anointed as Saints after awakening from Torpor, just before falling back into dreamless sleep. In other domains, the “canonization” of sainthood is an honor bestowed posthumously. Also, many of these Saints have their own “Saint’s nights” that count as Apostolica. They may demand some kind of service and ceremony on that particular night (which may or may not be their remembered night of being Embraced centuries or millennia prior), and such service is expected to be performed to the letter. A few particularly bizarre saints gladly walk among the neonates of The Lancea Sanctum, offering inscrutable lessons in piety and faith.

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