Sanctity Spell in Vampirism for Amoral Sociopaths | World Anvil
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Level-Two Theban Sorcery Ritual

Vampire the Requiem - Covenant - Lancea Sanctum
This ritual fills a space with holy or unholy resonance, tangibly altering its atmosphere and appearance. The space — which must be a single room, closed off from other rooms and hidden from sight when the ritual is performed inside it — is thereby “aligned” to grant bonus dice to all actions involving a certain Skill, no matter who performs them, when those actions are undertaken within the affected room. The space grants bonus dice equal to the sorcerer’s dots in Theban Sorcery for a number of hours equal to the successes scored on the activation roll, plus two.
A single Skill must be chosen for the space at the time the ritual is performed, but only a few Skills fall within the purview of this power: Academics, Empathy, Intimidation, Occult and Persuasion. The room takes on qualities favorable to the performance of the Skill, becoming quiet and serene for Academics use, growing dark and unsettling for Intimidation purposes, or taking on dramatic acoustics for Persuasion. Whatever the exact effect, the power of the room is clearly unearthly — frightening rooms may creak or groan or be populated by shifting shadows, while serene rooms may hum with sourceless chords or be lit by unmelting candles. Sanctified sorcerers must be careful how they use this ritual, for such supernaturally attuned spaces can lead to careless breaches of the Masquerade if happened upon by accident.
Material Components
Offering: A decorative object, such as a tapestry or carpet, or an object symbolizing the action to be blessed, such a sword. When the duration of the ritual has passed, the room develops a thins coat of soot and ash.
Related Discipline

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