Sanguine Clarity Spell in Vampirism for Amoral Sociopaths | World Anvil
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Sanguine Clarity

Level-Three Theban Sorcery Ritual

Vampire the Requiem - Ancient Mysteries
This ritual prepares a vampire for a voluntary journey into Torpor and stores a small amount of the Kindred’s Vitae within his body. This blood does not prevent the vampire from awakening hungry, but it does suffuse the vampire’s mind and soul, mollifying the Beast.
While in Torpor, the mind and body suffer the same nightmares and decay as any vampire’s would. If this ritual is performed correctly, however, the player adds any successes on the Theban Sorcery roll to attempts to retain memories upon awakening, or to the vampire’s Willpower pool for purposes of determining success or failure against a dream Adversary. This Willpower cannot be spent in the Nightmare, but bolsters the character’s mental fortitude, making it less likely that the Adversary will defeat him. For example, if a vampire with Resolve 2 and Composure 3 enters Torpor after the player achieves three successes on this ritual, the vampire has eight points of Willpower for purposes of determining victory or defeat against his nightmares. Only five of those points can be used for Heroic Effort, however.
Material Components
Offering: One point of Vitae for each decade the vampire chooses to remain in torpor. The Vitae is then ingested after the ritual has been performed on it. The Kindred only knows if the ritual succeeded or failed if he awakens with his memories intact.
Related Discipline

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