Scrivener’s Eye Spell in Vampirism for Amoral Sociopaths | World Anvil
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Scrivener’s Eye

(Level-Three Theban Sorcery Ritual)

Vampire the Requiem - Nomads
This ritual allows a sorcerer to absorb and memorize large amounts of information quickly and with crystal clarity, a boon for Legates tasked with transporting complicated messages with the utmost security. The Legate casts this ritual (or another Kindred casts it upon her) as she learns whatever secret, message or other information is conveyed to her.
Information memorized under the effects of this ritual can be recalled with perfect clarity (no Intelligence roll is required; see the World of Darkness Rulebook, p. 44) for a number of months equal to the character’s Intelligence. After this period of time the memories are lost. This loss is a function of the ritual itself, so the Eidetic Memory Merit cannot be used to recall the information lost. Of course, the Kindred could easily write down the information in question, but few Legates wish to leave such lasting reminders of their passing.
Material Components
Offering: A scrap of age-yellowed paper
Related Discipline

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