Sinner Song Spell in Vampirism for Amoral Sociopaths | World Anvil
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Sinner Song

Level-One Theban Sorcery Ritual

Vampire the Requiem - Covenant - Lancea Sanctum
The vampire compels her subject to reveal her most recent sin. The subject may or may not realize she is being magically influenced, depending on the behavior of the sorcerer, who may persuade (“Tell me, please, you must tell me.”) or demand (“With the authority of Heaven, I command you!”). The sin in question must be severe enough to warrant a degeneration roll and, of course, the subject must be aware (on some level) of what she has done.
The roll to invoke this power is penalized by the subject’s Resolve. The subject of the power must be able to hear the vampire’s voice (even over a telephone) as the ritual is completed, to be affected. The caster’s voice only has power at the moment of the ritual’s completion, so recording cannot convey the effects of this ritual.
Material Components
Offering: An article belonging to the subject, traditionally something associated with vice, such as a liquor bottle, a cigarette or a handful of pills.
Related Discipline

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