Spear Item in Vampirism for Amoral Sociopaths | World Anvil
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World of Darkness - Armory
This polearm is topped with a sharp point made of bone, stone, wood or metal. The spear can be held in the hands and used as a long thrusting weapon, or may instead be thrown (for information on thrown weapons, see p. see p. 67, of the World of Darkness Rulebook). The spear is a fundamental weapon, counted as one of the earliest hunting tools, and similarly believed to be one of the first true weapons of war.
This history is perhaps why the spear appears in a number of significant myths. The Irish hero Cuchulainn had a magical spear (the Gae Bulg), said to be a notched bone from a primeval sea monster. Odin’s spear was Gungnir, a spear crafted from the World Tree of Yggdrasil, and the stories suggest that the spear never missed its target and always returned to the hand of Odin when thrown. Perhaps the most popular “mythic” spear is the Spear of Destiny, the lance supposedly used to stab Christ’s side. This particular spear is said to burn with the power of God or the Devil, and has popped up in countless apocryphal tales for the last two millennia. The Spear of Destiny has been attributed to pagan kings, corrupt popes and even Adolf Hitler. One recent tale tells that General Patton managed to wrest the spear from the Germans, finding it in a hidden bunker with a cache of other forgotten occult treasures. With the magical weapon, the American forces became unstoppable, and the tide of war truly turned. It’s assumed that, if this is true, the United States lost possession of the spear sometime before the Vietnam conflict.
Item type
Weapon, Melee
Damage: 3(L)
Size: 4/N
Durability: 2
Notes: +1 Defense

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