Spirit Sight
Auspex •, Crúac •
Some Mekhet are simply too curious to resist peeling back the veil, others simply cannot gain the knowledge they seek in any other way. Through mystical focus, the vampire learns to extend their senses into the afterlife, allowing them to see and communicate with ghosts.
Material Components
Cost: –
Gestures & Ritual
Dice Pool: Like Heightened Senses, this power typically involves no roll. The player simply activates the power, allowing them to see and hear across the veil. This devotion does not give Kindred the ability to see or interact with the spiritual world of werewolves, simply the unquiet dead. If the area is highly populated by spirits, the resulting clamor can overwhelm the vampire unless the player succeeds on a Resolve roll. Failure disorients the character, making him effectively unaware of his surroundings until the end of the following turn.
Effect Casting Time