Springfield Armory M1 Garand {.30-06}

World of Darkness - Armory
The U.S. Army adopted the Garand in 1936 as the army’s first semi-automatic rifle. With the outbreak of hostilities in 1941, production went into high gear, with over four million M1s coming off the assembly lines by 1945. The Garand proved consistently reliable under World War II’s worst battlefield conditions, and is another legendary rifle whose popularity has far outstripped its official service record. Thousands are still in circulation worldwide. Cost given is for new copies or collector’s editions; surplus models, including those sold through the U.S. government’s Civilian Marksmanship Program, cost only •. The Garand uses a detachable magazine; when it’s empty, the gun automatically launches it into the air with a distinctive “ping!” The Garand’s .30-06 ammo gives it Armor Piercing 2.
Item type
Weapon, Ranged
Damage: 4 (9 again)*
Ranges: 225/450/900
Capacity: 8+1
Strength: 3
Size: 3
Cost: •••*