Stigmata Spell in Vampirism for Amoral Sociopaths | World Anvil
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Level-Four Theban Sorcery Ritual

Although the majority of Theban Sorcery’s rites have a decidedly Old Testament flavor, Stigmata takes the very suffering of the New Testament’s Prince of Peace and turns it into a weapon of divine punishment. The victim of this ritual must be within sight when it is cast. He bleeds from the wrists, feet and side, the traditional five wounds of Christ. Mortals suffer one point of lethal damage per turn from blood loss, while Kindred lose one Vitae each turn. If a vampire runs out of Vitae during the course of the ritual, she proceeds to suffer lethal damage and is likely to frenzy (see p. 178). A vampire whose rightmost Health box is filled with lethal damage by this means falls into torpor (see p. 175). The roll to activate this power is penalized by the subject’s Stamina.
The number of turns the subject suffers from Stigmata equals the number of successes achieved on the Theban Sorcery roll.
Material Components
Offering: A crucifix, which crumbles to ash as the ritual is enacted.
Related Discipline

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