Supernatural Fascination
Your character, usually following a supernatural event, has become convinced that the supernatural infl uences every facet of life. “The supernatural” here is defi ned by the character in question. He might become devoted to a particular religion, and see the hand of whatever God he chooses in every aspect of life. He might believe that aliens or secret government masters control everything. In any event, he believes that the world has a secret set of rules and codes that, if he abides by them, he will go to Heaven/have good luck/be safe from harm/etc. At least once a scene, and more often if signifi cant events occur during a scene, the player must roll Resolve + Composure. If that roll fails, the character must perform some action appropriate to his beliefs. He might utter a brief prayer, mumble into his wallet (which he’s sure contains a communication device), line his hat with tinfoil to prevent the aliens from reading his mind and so on. Because this derangement is so pervasive, it shouldn’t cause major disruptions to the character’s life, but its effects are almost constant.